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I would like to acknowledge funding and support from NSF through grants:

I am grateful for the support provided by various agencies through various grants, including NSF grants DMS-0595595, DMS-0806145 / 0902075, CAREER award CMMI-0846816, CMMI-1069064, DMS-1320550, CMMI-1436700, CMMI-1538217, CMMI-1538217, CMMI-1538217, DMS-1915967, DMS-1820942, DMS-1838676 as well as DARPA award N660011824028 and,

MURI: Modeling, Prediction, and Mitigation of Rare and Extreme Events in Complex Physical Systems ANSRE: ANalysis and Synthesis of Rare Events

Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE).

Erlang Prize 2010 given by the INFORMS Applied Probability Society every two years to a young applied probabilist.

Stanford University Distinguished Alumni Scholar Lecture in 2012.

ITAM (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México) 2012 Premio al Mérito Profesional (Professional Merit Award).

Kavli Fellow (2013) (Selected by the National Academy of Sciences).

US Frontiers of Engineering (2015) (Selected by National Academy of Engineering).


My research group and I have been fortunate to receive several best publication awards (detailed in my publication list).

I have also been fortunate to receive support through the following funds and fellowships:

  • Milton Fund (Harvard University)
  • Professional Schools Research Fellowship Award (Columbia University)
  • Rodriguez Family Junior Faculty Award (Columbia University)

I also acknowledge support when I was a PhD student at Stanford through the Thomas Ford and William Lindvill fellowships. Finally, I would like to acknowledge support from CONACYT (the Mexican NSF).

And my mother wants me to put a list of accomplishments from when I was younger and hopefully better looking… (scientific Olympiads –unfortunately my athletic abilities are… not good; honors graduation, etc.)